
How to get the Amazon Best Seller Badge

Getting the Amazon Bestseller Badge is like winning the lottery: You try to pick the right combination and hope that it will pay off in a win. The badge can be a real boost for your shop and is therefore so worthwhile.

We'll show you how to use SEO and best practices for sellers to stay ahead of your competitors.

What is the Amazon Best Seller Badge?

No doubt you've come across the bestseller badge while shopping or researching on Amazon. This is an orange icon that appears in the search results of products and indicates that the item in question is a best seller in its category.

Who gets this symbol?

In the past, the badge was only awarded to the top bestseller in the respective category, but now the top 100 are also taken into account.

Depending on the categories, the cost of awarding the Bestseller Badge varies. In some categories, such as electronics or pet supplies, the competition is very high, making it harder to get the award. Conversely, it is easier in categories where there is less competition and diversity.

There are also categories in which the competition is not so big that they justify 100 top sellers. But the distinction is no less important. Even though the focus is narrower in a niche category than in a popular category such as toys and games, being able to advertise your product with this badge is still a sign of quality.

How to get a Best Seller Badge

The path to a best-seller badge is relatively well-known and formulaic. Success depends on product and sales rank and is constantly changing. So follow the tips below to increase your chances of getting a badge.

The right category

If your products aren't in the most appropriate or relevant categories, buyers will have a hard time finding them and ultimately won't buy them. If they can't buy them, you won't be able to get enough sales to get the best seller badge.

This problem is easy to avoid if you make sure that your product is in the correct category, especially if you use the Amazon search tree guide.

Analyze competition

When you sell on Amazon, you're not only competing with other independent sellers and brand owners, but also with Amazon itself. However, in contrast to competition with other sellers, competition with Amazon rarely results in a profit because the marketplace is simply too big. If you find a private label offered by Amazon, it's almost impossible for you to get the best seller badge.

However, if you find a category where Amazon doesn't offer a private label, that's a unique opportunity to win that award. Therefore, look for a suitable category without an Amazon product as the top dog.

Invest in SEO

SEO is one of the strongest basic practices you can use to get more searches, traffic, and sales. But on Amazon, sales in particular are decisive for making it onto the bestseller list. But for you to make sales, customers must find you. That's why you should focus on keyword research to leave as visible a trace as possible about your products.

Start advertising campaigns

Since the Bestseller Badge is primarily about product and sales rank, running an advertising campaign is one of the most direct ways to get the badge. You could try running a giveaway, such as a flash sale.

However, keep in mind that this should be a temporary measure. Lowering your prices too much for too long could result in a price war or a race to the bottom and potentially impact your overall profit margin.


Investing in the Amazon Bestseller Badge is ultimately also an investment in increasing sales. Since the number of sales is directly related to the issuance of the badge, it is worthwhile in every respect to make the adjustments mentioned above. With the bestseller badge, taking these aspects into account will pay off even more than during the process.

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