Veröffentlicht von Dimitrios Nikolaidis

Leading your online shop to success with SEO - how does that work?

How to make your online shop a success with SEO

Do you want to make your online shop successful? Then you should definitely know a few things about search engine optimization (SEO). Because with the right SEO measures, you can place your shop at the top of search results and thus attract more customers. In this blog article, you will learn exactly what SEO is and what tips I will give you for successfully optimizing your online shop.

1. The basics: What is SEO and why is it important for online shops?

SEO is the abbreviation for “search engine optimization” and means “search engine optimization.” It's about designing your online shop so that searchers can find it. To do this, a number of basic rules must be observed.

In theory, any online store could be successful using SEO. However, there are also practical reasons why you should design your shop so that it can be easily found by search engines. On the one hand, this means that more people are informed about your shop and, on the other hand, it also means that your shop is automatically better positioned, which in turn can lead to more sales.

How does SEO work?

Search engines consider certain factors when deciding which pages they should display in search results. Such factors may include, for example, the relevance of the content and the quality of the website itself. The relevance of the content depends on the question a searcher has. So if your online shop offers products that are often searched for, it is logically also more relevant than other shops and thus gets better positioning in search results.

So in order to be well positioned, your online shop only needs to do one thing: provide interesting content! So avoid Blabla articles and instead try to write authentic and informative texts that are actually read by your customers. Because the more people visit and read your shop, the better it is for search engines and the higher the chance of it being found!

2. On-page optimization: tips for the technical optimization of your online shop

Good on-page optimization is the key to success with SEO for online shops. In order to optimize the technical aspects of your shop to the maximum, there are a few tips that you should heed.

Create a site map: A site map is an overview of all pages in your shop. This helps search engines better index your shop and find it more easily. It's important that your site map is up to date and complete.

Optimize your URLs: Make sure your URLs are SEO-optimized. Avoid complicated and long URLs and use short and concise descriptions instead. Add relevant keywords to help search engines identify your store.

Use relevant images: Images are an essential part of every online store. Make sure all images are relevant to your topic and use the correct file name. Also add ALT tags to let search engines know about the images in your store.

Use internal links: Internal links help search engines to better crawl and index the various pages in your shop. Therefore, use strategically placed internal links on all pages of the shop — particularly on product pages — to make navigation easier for visitors and search engines.

Pay attention to the loading time: Internet loading time directly influences the usability of a website, but it also has an impact on how well a website is found by search engines. Therefore, make sure that all page elements work optimally and that the loading time is kept low.

Use schema markup: Schema markup is a technique that allows website builders to specify structured data sets to communicate or highlight the content of their website to search engines. So be sure to use this technology for product pages in your online shop!

With this knowledge, you have now received all the necessary basics to technically optimize your online shop! Get to work now and make your shop a success!

3. Off-page optimization: Tips for linking and content marketing for your online shop

If you want to make your online shop successful, then you should also think about off-page optimization. This primarily includes links and content marketing.

Links are an important part of SEO. They help search engines understand your shop better and help with indexing it. To be really successful, you should try to get links to your shop from other sites. This can be done either naturally by other websites setting links to you on their own, or through active link building, by creating your own backlinks and cooperating with other website partners.

Content marketing is also an effective SEO technique that can help you attract more visitors to your shop. With good content, you have the opportunity to improve search engine results for specific keywords while increasing your shop's traffic. Some of the content you can create includes blog posts, videos, and graphics. However, it's important to always provide high-quality content and keep it up to date regularly. This makes it more search engine friendly and helps you attract more visitors to your shop.

With a good combination of on-page optimization and off-page optimization, you can ensure that search engine results for your online shop are improved and reach more visitors. However, it's important to note that SEO is a longer-term process and results can't be achieved overnight — but with patience and persistence, you can ultimately achieve success!

4. Tracking, measurement and evaluation: How to keep track of the success of your SEO measures

Of course, you should regularly check the impact of your measures. Tracking tools such as Google Analytics are suitable for this. With them, you can see exactly which search terms users enter into the search engine before they get to your shop. The number of visitors and the time spent on your site can also be measured in this way.

If you want to know whether your SEO measures are successful, you should regularly check and analyze your tracking data. In this way, you can keep track of the results of your work and make adjustments if necessary.


SEO is a complex topic and there are many different aspects that need to be considered if you want to be successful. However, the basic SEO principles are relatively easy to understand and implement. If you become familiar with the basics and optimize your shop accordingly, you will soon be able to benefit from the positive effects of your efforts.

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