Veröffentlicht von Katrin

Why individual packaging is so important

Unpacking a package isn't just a process, it's an experience. YouTube and other social media platforms have made “unboxing” a special moment in today's digital age. It has therefore become an important aspect for companies of all sizes to offer a positive unpacking experience.

Creative, custom packaging is one of the best ways to offer your customers a unique unboxing experience. In this article, you'll learn everything you need to know for your individual packaging.

Be remembered

In today's crowded marketplace, it's hard to make a lasting impression on customers. To stand out from the crowd, you need to give your customers a unique experience. You can achieve this with custom packaging. This is a simple way to retain customers and increase the value of your brand.

The global market for personalized packaging is expected to generate sales of 35,513.95 million US dollars by the end of 2024. In light of this rapid growth, today is the best time to invest in custom packaging. It's not without reason that the market is growing so fast — there are numerous reasons for this.

Reasons for customising packaging

Custom packaging is an underrated area of product branding and marketing. Packaging is not just a container for your product, it also fulfils a variety of functions. Here are a few reasons why you should start looking into custom packaging today.

1. A good first impression

A unique first impression is the key to prevailing in a world full of brand messages. Tailored

Packaging gives a good first impression and shows your customers that you care about their satisfaction. There is only one chance to make a first impression — that's why you should use it with high-quality packaging.

2. Improved customer loyalty

When you offer unique packaging to your customers, they're more likely to remember you first the next time they buy. Therefore, offer your customers a positive unpacking experience and something they remember.

3. That special something

Your brand's colors should be present anytime and anywhere, including on your packaging material. Your packaging is your brand ambassador, representing your brand everywhere.

Therefore, design the packaging with care, as it determines the image of your brand and ultimately also the perception and loyalty of your customers.

4. Protect the environment and your wallet — with ideal packaging

You shouldn't send a comb to your customers in a large shipping box with countless layers of bubble wrap. As a result, material is wasted and your logistics and shipping costs will increase. Instead, you can create different packaging options for your various products. You should make sure that the overall packaging looks good and that the product is stored safely.

5. More reach on social media

With the increase in unboxing videos on the Internet, users are documenting their unboxing experience. Giving your customers a media-effective experience results in greater brand reach across different platforms and free advertising through word of mouth.

6. Stronger brand loyalty

When you give your customers a special experience, they'll be happy to come back to you. Tailored packaging therefore increases your brand loyalty.

What is part of individual packaging?

There are various ways to offer your customers individual and unique packaging. This allows you to individually design the packaging of your products inside and out. There are hardly any limits to your creativity.

Packaging printed from outside

Printed outer packaging gives you the opportunity to be creative and make your brand stand out through colors, prints or additional material. You can work creatively with stickers or create product-specific packaging.

Filling material and advertising material

You can be much more creative on the inside of the box than on the outside. For example, you can include personalized texts, filling material, tissue paper, product samples, discount coupons, special offers, and much more.

You can also be creative when it comes to filling: use confetti as filling for children's items and high-quality filling material for office supplies.

Costs — Is it worth the effort?

Custom packaging may sound like an expensive investment. But that is not the case if you follow our tips. If you are not yet able to make custom packaging, neutral packaging can also be a good option.

If you opt for individual packaging, prices can range from €0.10 to €10.00 per box. The price also depends on the quantity: the larger the quantity, the lower the price. In addition, many factors play a role in the production of custom packaging, such as size, filling material, quantity, color coverage, and tools. Consider all of these factors in advance to avoid unpleasant surprises.

In summary, investing in custom packaging is worth it if you want to stand out from the crowd. Start slowly with personalized notes and vouchers in the box, and you'll see how your customer's relationship with you changes — and sales increase!

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